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Sunrise class - Year 4

Summer 1

In Summer 1 our topic has been The Romans, where we have learnt all about how the Romans built their empire by conquering near by lands. They used their strong armies to win battles against other tribes and kingdoms. We also learnt all about Julius Caesar who ruled the Roman empire and created the famous quote, 'I came, I saw, I conquered!' In English we have been learning all about Jacques Cousteau who created the aqualung to enable people to breath underwater. Sunrise class then created their own inventions and wrote about how their inventions helped them to achieve their goals. In Science we have been learning all about plants. We did 3 experiments to find out why plants have roots, do plants need leaves and how do plants absorb water and nutrients.


Spring 2

In Spring 2 we have continued our learning on Malicious Mother Nature where we have learnt all about tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. Sunrise class did an amazing job acting out how a tornado forms.



 Sunrise class have also been creating their own newspaper reports all about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. They then performed their report infront of a green screen to create a real news report.



Spring 1

In Spring 1 our topic has been Malicious Mother Nature. We have learnt all about earthquakes and Tsunamis. We have learnt how these are linked and completed our own research.

In Maths, we have been learning different strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. We have used a variety of resources to help us solve 3 digit division problems and we have worked as a team to support each other with difficulties.

In English, we have been creating a guide to capturing a Viking monster. We have used paragraphs to organise our writing and used a variety of conjunctions to add further information to our sentences.

In Reading, we have been reading the book, you’re a bad man Mr Gum! We’ve met some characters with very strange names and discovered how Polly and Friday plan to save the day.

For safer internet day, we took part in an online lesson all about Gen AI. We learnt how to stay safe when using Gen AI and different jobs that are now using AI to support them. sunrise class were asked the question, ‘would you let a robot doctor operate on you?’ 

18/12/23 - In Computing we have been learning about branching databases. We have been learning all about different attributes that can help us sort information for our branching database. We have created a branching database online and as a group in class. We were very pleased with the result and we showed excellent team work skills.


18/12/23 - Today Sunrise class baked Christmas gingerbread. The skills we were focusing on were cutting, heating and mixing. Sunrise class also had to work out the quantities needed for the ingredients and they did an amazing job. The gingerbread was delicious!


11/12/23 - Sunrise class have been learning all about how sound is made in Science. Today we were learning about how sound is measured. We created sound using different instruments and then measured how loud each sound was using a data logger. We recorded our data in a table and then compared the results.


13/11/23- Sunrise class have had a fantastic day celebrating Diwali. We have learnt all about Diwali, Henna, Rangoli patterns and we've even had a go at Bollywood dancing.



Sunrise is a year 4 class and the teachers are Mrs Maskey and Miss Thorley. 



Our science focus this half term is all about forces and magnets. We have looked at the 'push', 'pull' and 'twist' force. This week we have looked at different materials and how it would impact on gravity's pull force. We conducted a fair test using a car, materials and ramp. The children made their predictions and then we put it to the test. We were surprised with the results. 



Autumn 1 week 1 and 2 

The first few weeks back have been fantastic! The children have come back into school with such a positive mindset and eager to learn. Our new topic has been a real hit and the children have shown such enthusiasm with their topic work over the summer. The different variations of work have blown me away! In class we have enjoyed reading 'How to train your dragon' and 'Danny the Champion of the world'. I look forward to our continued learning as we sail through the term. 

Sunrise Class - Year 4

Sunrise is a Year 4 class and the teacher is Mrs Maskey and Miss Thorley.

Welcome to Sunrise Class!

 Hello Sunrise Superstars!

Roll on September! Next year is going to be a fantastic year, full of fun, laughter and learning. I can't wait to see your smiling faces walk back into class as mature year 4 students. Have the most amazing summer. I want to hear all your stories when we return. I can't wait to be your teacher.  

Miss Yates  

What are we doing in class?

LKS2 updates – January 2023