Carlton Primary School

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Mrs Hawkshaw is the reading leader in school and is responsible for reading lessons.


At Carlton we strive to provide a reading rich environment that fosters a love of reading in our pupils. In each classroom you will find a ‘book nook’ with a wide selection of books of varying genre and difficulty. It is important that children are able to see themselves in the books they read and so a range of diverse books as well as graphic novels and picture books are available in each classroom. Additionally, an extensive library hub, which is updated regularly, is available to children to use on a regular basis. 

Early synthetic phonics system – Read Write inc. The system is used from on entry for pupils as a key to unlock sound, word and sentence building. Phonics teaching is used until the individual pupil is able to read fluently and is ready to move onto our school reading programme.

Extended practice is encouraged through a closely monitored home school reading agreement where parents communicate their children’s home reading through their daily planner. Reading in school is also recorded this way. 

Throughout the school year, Carlton further promotes reading through events such as national reading days, inviting authors in to school, book clubs, Leeds Book Awards and book immersion events to ensure that our pupils remain enthused and excited about reading and so that reading maintains the high profile that it deserves.

Course Outline

Reading Long Term Plan

English Intent, Implementation and Impact

Useful Documents

Success for Boys10 Tips on Hearing Your Child ReadProgression in Reading

Words For Life - Free access to books