Carlton Primary School

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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health First Aiders

Staff are trained to help children with their mental wellbeing and often deliver whole or part lessons to help the children. We also recognise that mental wellbeing is important for our staff and with that in mind, staff are trained to support adult and children's mental health in school.

Our Strategic Lead for Mental Health & Wellbeing is our Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Frost.

Our Mental Health First Aiders are our School Business Manager, Ms Haist and our Learning Mentor, Miss Cheetham.

Learning Mentor

As a school we adopt a positive approach to behaviour. Good work, effort, consideration, and politeness are rewarded. Our ethos works extremely well to create a happy, orderly and friendly place. Should inappropriate behaviour occur, parents are contacted as part of our sanctions and agreed strategies are put in place. The first point of contact will usually be the class teacher but our Learning Mentor, Miss Cheetham, can also support families and their children. Miss Cheetham also monitors punctuality and attendance and makes regular contact with our families


Carlton Primary School are very excited to announce our new initiative in school, myHappymind.

This is an NHS backed programme that teaches preventative habits that support positive mental health, resilience and self esteem.

This has been introduced after feedback from the Pupil School Council about improving our Thursday Thoughts lessons.

In the Autumn 2022 term, pupils have completed the ‘Meet Your Brain’ module in which they have been learning to understand  how their brain works and how to ensure they  look after it so that they can manage their emotions and be at their best. Growth mindset is a key part of this too.

Ask your children about Team HAP and Happy Breathing to find out more about what they have been learning.

There is a parent app that reinforces what pupils are learning in school. Please see the  letter below about this and how to create your login.

myHappymind log in information


MindMate is a Leeds-based website for young people, their families and the professionals who support them. It is designed to explore emotional wellbeing and mental health issues and offers information about where support is available. MindMate lessons used at Carlton Primary School have been developed by teachers and mental health professionals in Leeds. The programme is funded and supported by NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group. It also aims to provide pupils with the skills to manage their own emotional and mental wellbeing. The lessons are interactive and will help children to;

  • Understand their own feelings
  • Understand the emotions and mental health needs of others
  • Understand the change during transition times and how to cope with it
  • Support friends and family to be mentally well
  • Reduce the stigma associated with mental health
  • Deal with exam stress through coping techniques

For more information please visit


PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic) teaching forms a large part of our healthy schools’ curriculum as every class has a fortnightly circle time where issues such as respect, help, friendship, community, and general social skills are discussed in fun ways through games and activities.

PSHE lessons are thoroughly planned through our ‘SEAL’ (social, emotional aspects of learning) schemes. There is also a weekly ‘Ethos statement’ introduced in Mondays’ assembly for children to think about each week where all the above issues are addressed. Our staff are supportive of any child having social difficulties and our Learning Mentor is there to support families. Check out the Curriculum section for information about our PSHE provision.