Carlton Primary School

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Our leading expert, who ensures English strategies are linked across the school-age groups is Mrs Hawkshaw.


At Carlton writing is based around the current topic where clear links can be made with a particular reading book or author. Where these links are not as well established, texts are chosen around children’s interests and the specific needs of the cohort.

Over the year, planning follows a long term programme which includes a wide range of genres and a balance of narrative and non- narrative opportunities for writing. Texts have been carefully selected based on data analysis which considers particular weaknesses for each phase. In addition to this, alternative stimuluses such as videos are used to further enhance children's learning. Each phase will explore at least 1 diverse text each year. This is either diverse by nature or by author. 

We believe that it is important that children are able to see themselves as real authors. As such we will regularly publish children's work under their pen names. Published writing can be found here

To find out more about how we teach writing at Carlton Primary School, click the English Intent, Implementation & Impact link below. 

Course Outline

Writing Long Term Plan

English Intent, Implementation & Impact

Useful Documents
 Progression in writing