Physical Education
Our expert who looks after PE on our curriculum including swimming and after school sports is Miss Pritchard.
At Carlton Primary School, we aim to promote Physical Education as part of a healthy lifestyle. We aim to provide PE curriculum that incorporates our whole school learning skills.
Our aims for all the children in PE are:
- To have a good understanding and can apply all of the fundamental movement skills.
- To have the opportunity to take part in a variety of physical activities not just competitive sports.
- To leave Carlton Primary School being physically literate and without avoidable gaps in their physical development.
- To provide the children with transferable movement skills that they can apply in different game situations.
- To ensure that all PE includes mental and physical challenge which includes working individually as well as a team alongside developing personal, cognitive, creative and health and fitness aspects of physical education.
- To provide creative opportunities.
- To be able to work as part of a team in a variety of roles as well as lead a team.
- To be able to be resilient and persevere through challenge.
- To be able to succeed at their own personal level and recognise as well as support the success of others.
- To be able to take and manage risks.
- To gain an understanding of how PE can lead to a healthy, active lifestyle.
- To be given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills competitively through internal and external extra-curricular activities.
PE lessons should be taught using a variety of teaching methods such as: whole class teaching, small group work, individual learning, investigative learning, problem solving and open ended activities. All lessons follow the National Curriculum and take into consideration the outcomes and guidelines set by the Association for Physical Education via the delivery of the Get Set 4 PE scheme.
Throughout school, the children will be taught the fundamental movement skills which underpin all physical activity and will be given opportunities to develop these and challenge themselves. The aim is to make children confident in their own abilities and be able to challenge themselves. Alongside this, challenge will be their measure of success rather than just being able to complete a skill and they will also be able to encourage and coach others in an inclusive environment.
In EYFS, the children will follow the same lesson structure, but it will be broken down into more steps. This will then progress into KS1, where children will begin team games and competitive sports. This progresses into KS2, where children are taught specific sports which link to the skills they have previously learnt.
Children will have a minimum of two hours of PE every week where the modules for all Key Stages will be progressive with the overall outcome of all children being able to use and apply all the fundamental skills in a variety of situations as well as sports.
PE should be not be cancelled due to weather except under extreme circumstances. When this is the case, the teacher is responsible for facilitating a flexible timetable and fitting PE in on a different day. Where this is not possible, teachers must create a safe space in their classroom to conduct ‘Just Dance’ or ‘Go Noodle’.
We believe that all children irrespective of background, race, gender and capability should have equal access to our curriculum. We will always try to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that this happens.
- Spare PE kit is available for children who have forgotten theirs. Forgotten PE kit should not be a reason for the children to miss a PE lesson.
- No pupil should be excused from a PE lesson unless the school is advised by a medical professional.
- Lessons will be of good quality, differentiated and provide challenge for all levels of ability.
- Children will be given the same opportunities to meet an objective but through activities adapted for the children’s differing levels.
- For children with limited gross motor skills, the children will still participate in the same activities but expectations and outcomes will be individualised.
- For children with SEND, measures will be put in place by the class teacher to ensure that the child can access all aspects of the PE lesson.
- All children will be given the opportunity to participate in intra-school competition and opportunities will be available for children who wish to participate in inter-school competition.
Health and Safety
The general teaching requirement for health and safety applies in P.E. All staff have due regard for the health and safety guidelines when planning and delivering P.E.
- Each child is encouraged to consider their own safety and the safety of others at all times and they are taught how to improve their own abilities to assess risks.
- First aid equipment is available, and all staff are trained in what action to take, including calling for assistance in the event of an accident.
- Inhalers for pupils suffering from asthma are made readily accessible.
- Children with diabetes are monitored closely throughout and after PE lessons by staff.
- Annual checks are made on all large equipment and regular checks.
- The subject leader makes termly visual checks for wear and tear and security of major items, and all staff are responsible for reporting to the subject leader if any items show wear and tear. Any items constituting a danger are taken out of use immediately.
- All staff are expected to put equipment away correctly and keep the PE cupboard safe and tidy.
- Children are taught how to move and use apparatus safely under the supervision of a teacher or responsible adult.
- Children are made aware of safe practice and understand the need for safety when undertaking any activity.
- Children are expected to come to school in their PE kits on PE and club days. Long hair must be tied back and jewellery removed. If earrings cannot be removed, then they need to be securely taped up front and back.
- o Indoor kit: black shorts, white t-shirt, bare feet
- o Outdoor kit: black shorts/trouser, white t-shirt, jumper and trainers
- Staff are expected to be role models and dress appropriately in their school t-shirts and hoodies, with appropriate footwear.
Whole School Overview:
Through our PE curriculum, our children will:
- Believe in themselves, developing perseverance and the understanding that they ‘can do it’, even when the going gets tough.
- Have the ability to work within a team, celebrating the successes of themselves and others.
- Have a resilient approach, where they are able to manage success and failure in cooperative and competitive situations.
- Have a strong, positive relationship with physical activity.
- Develop an understanding of the importance of being safe during exercise.
- Have the opportunity to reach their potential, regardless of background, race, gender and capability.
Course Outline
As a school, we foster a love for the outdoors and encourage outdoor learning wherever possible. Our playground provides great opportunities for active, outdoor, cross-curricular lessons.