Carlton Primary School

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Our leading expert, who ensures Maths strategies are linked across the school-age groups is Miss Pritchard.


At Carlton, we want every child to let their light shine. Our vision is that children develop into confident and skilled mathematicians who thrive on a love of learning. Through our teaching of mathematics, we want our children to learn how to calculate, reason and problem solve with the skills to understand and appreciate relationships and patterns in number, shape and space and measures. We endeavour to foster confidence in trying and a celebration of learning from mistakes. Our Mathematics curriculum promotes enquiring minds, curiosity and an eagerness to investigate problems. We promote collaborative learning with peers, and this, coupled with a mastery approach to fluency and reasoning and problem solving, gives our children the tools they need to be successful, whilst enjoying mathematics. We hope the children will not only apply their learning across the curriculum but also to many aspects of their everyday lives.

At Carlton, we are a part of the West Yorkshire Maths Hub Teaching for Mastery group and are currently in our ‘Developing’ year, where the mathematics lead is developing their own practice in teaching for mastery.


Our teachers will:

  • Provide the children with a rich curriculum of carefully crafted lessons that ensures time for practise and retrieval
  • Identify gaps in understanding and swiftly overcome these with precise teaching
  • Provide a progressive and challenging curriculum which is sequenced to ensure that new and personalised knowledge is taught in each lesson.
  • Provide immersive opportunities for all our children at the start of a topic.


Our children will:

  • Develop a love of learning in mathematics, through exciting and engaging lessons
  • Have opportunities to apply their skills to real-life contexts
  • Be inquisitive learners who are confident in their ability

Be excited by mathematics and enjoy their lessons


To ensure whole consistency and progression, the school uses the nationally recognised ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme for the planning and delivery of the National Curriculum across the school. Long-term plans follow the White Rose Maths Hub for each year group. Teachers are encouraged to integrate NCETM resources into their teaching, to inspire and challenge our pupils. In our mixed-aged classes, we split into single year group classes for mathematics lessons, to support the children. There is flexibility to amend the length of blocks and move topics depending on the needs of each cohort, which is discussed as a phase each week.

Every lesson follows the same structure, using a model of ‘I do, we do’, before then giving children the chance to have a go themselves. This process is for fluency and then repeated for reasoning and problem solving. Key vocabulary (star words)  is taught, recapped and built on each year, using our vocabulary progression document. Children are encouraged to verbalise their thinking using the key vocabulary and the use of stem sentences is promoted throughout all lessons.

Whole School Overview: 
Whole School Overview

In Year 6, we use PIXL resources, such as Number and Answer Free Zones, when teaching reasoning skills to encourage the children’s thinking, without having to calculate an answer straight away. We use Gareth Metcalfe resources for reasoning and problem solving to deepen the understanding and challenge our pupils. We also use past SATs style questions to develop the children’s familiarity with the style of questions ahead of the tests in May.



At Carlton, we assess our children every day in maths. We use formative assessment every lesson to structure our following lessons, to ensure we are meeting the needs of our children. Furthermore, we use White Rose Maths post-assessments once a topic is completed, which indicates where interventions are required.

We use summative assessment each term to assess our children against national expectations.  This data is shared with the mathematics leader and SLT, who will analyse the overall progress towards the school’s end of year targets.










Greater Depth








Greater Depth








Greater Depth








Greater Depth





The Maths subject leader and strategic leader conduct regular lesson observations, book-looks and collate pupil voice.  This contributes to the cycle of ‘plan-do-review’ for Maths driven by the School Development Plan.  The maths leaders deliver regular CPD to staff through staff meetings and use these to develop knowledge, share good practice and disseminate information from the Maths Hub.

Curriculum Progression

At Carlton, our curriculum builds on prior knowledge to enable children to make connections and apply their learning to real life contexts. We follow a mastery approach so all children have the opportunity to succeed in both fluency and reasoning and problem solving. In EYFS and KS1, we use ‘Mastering Number’ to build on fundamental concepts which will be beneficial in wider contexts. In KS2, we have Super 6 sessions, where key skills are focused on in interactive and engaging ways. Staff have engaged in CPD during a number of staff meetings focussed on these ‘super 6 skills’ to ensure the children have the opportunity to consistently be exposed to and develop skills in these areas, in a hands-on and fun way.

At Carlton Primary School, our children will:

  • Have a love of learning and be curious to learn more;
  • Have high expectations of themselves and work hard to achieve;
  • Become resilient problem-solvers, who believe that they ‘can do it’, even when the going gets tough;
  • Have outcomes above the national standard;
  • Be exposed to meaningful, high-quality experiences and lessons that promote choice and independent thinking.
  • Become confident in what they know so they can apply this to solve other problems

Course Outline

To help structure and plan our lessons, we use White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning to ensure firm foundations and sequence our learning. Alongside this scheme, we use a range of rich resources from NCETM to enhance our lessons and deepen understanding.

Calculation Year By Year Guide

Additional Information


To supplement our learning here at Carlton, children have access to various learning platforms including Times Table Rock Stars and NumBots. 

Times Tables Rock Stars

Numbots Game

By Year 4, children should be able to recall their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. To help them develop these skills, children can log on with their own username and password. On Times Table Rockstars, pupils can practise their tables. They are then able to improve their Rock Speed and climb the Rockstar ranks! The online games reward children with virtual coins for each correct answer, which they enjoy spending on upgrading their personal rock avatar.

NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. Children can access NumBots using their username and password for Times Tables Rock Stars.

The school’s maths curriculum is ambitious and the increase in KS2 data for 2024 at greater depth support this. Teachers are working on including problem solving and reasoning for all pupils in all lessons.The school’s CPD and pedagogy includes more opportunities for a range of assessment for learning opportunities. This
was seen in lesson visits today across a range of classes. It was particularly good to see how this has increased pupil participation. 
Jayne Ward, School Improvement Advisor