Our leading expert, who ensures Computing strategies are linked across the school-age groups, is Mrs Fiaz.
Our use of ICT will enhance and extend children’s learning across the whole curriculum. We will also use ICT to empower our staff to work more efficiently, creatively and effectively to improve their teaching and assessment of the pupils in their class. ICT will also be an integral communication tool within the school and to the wider community. Computing at Carlton Primary School is taught through the use of Teach Computing which enables the children to be challenged with creative and inspiring projects that embed the computing curriculum.
At Carlton Primary, we teach a broad and balanced computing curriculum which inspires all pupils to achieve their potential, becoming active participants in an increasingly digital world. We recognise that pupils should have access to the hardware, software and a structured progressive approach to the learning skills needed to enable them to use it effectively.
Our aims are to provide a relevant, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for computing for all pupils to access, to use ICT as a tool to enhance learning across the curriculum, to develop a firm understanding of how to use computing safely and responsibly and to develop computer literate pupils ready for their future in this growing digital world. We intend for our children to develop their knowledge and skills to progress confidently through the curriculum, reflecting the understanding necessary to strengthen their cultural capital and grasp opportunities beyond school and in their future workplace. We endeavour to make computers an integral part of classwork, using it as a tool during lessons throughout the term.
We intend to build a computing curriculum that prepares pupils to live safely in an increasingly digital British society where pupils can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.
At Carlton Primary school, we use the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme to support with the teaching of computing throughout school. Teach Computing transforms the way computing is taught and aims to build interest in the subject for future years. Computing opens children’s eyes to the digital world which is ever-evolving and essential in today’s society. It empowers students to become confident, creative, and responsible users of technology, while also provides them with the skills to shape the digital landscape of the future.
The computing curriculum at Carlton Primary School is mapped out to ensure alignment with the National curriculum content and beyond. Teaching and learning should facilitate progression across all key stages within the strands of digital literacy, information technology and computer science.
All our children have the opportunity to use resources which aid the acquisition of skills and knowledge. These include computers (chrome books), iPads, Beebots and Microbits.
Across school, children are taught computing on a weekly basis, teaching specific computing skills using a range of resources to support their understanding. Children have the opportunity to explore and respond to key issues such as digital communication, cyber-bullying, online safety, security, plagiarism and social media. Through discussions about e-safety every half term, the children gain knowledge and understanding about the uses and misuses of electronic communication.
Throughout school, wider curriculum links and opportunities for the safe use of digital systems are considered in wider curriculum planning.
At Carlton Primary School, computing is well and truly integrated into our Early Years curriculum where children begin to build their digital literacy and their understanding of using technology safely. This will give children the opportunity to explore a range of resources and develop a strong foundation for their learning.
Assessment at Carlton Primary school:
- Short-term assessments aim to assess the children’s learning informally on a lesson by lesson basis and are key to our curriculum. These assessments include:
Group observations
Observing and assessing how students engage and interact within their groups to better understand their comprehension and involvement.
Whole class feedback
Analysing feedback collected from the entire class to identify common themes and areas for improvement.
Work from each Key stage
KS1- KS1 print work from computing lessons and save it within a folder for evidence.
KS2- Each half term, KS2 save their work on google documents as evidence for learning.
During the autumn term, children will be practising key skills such as logging on, accessing key features on the computers and learning typing skills.
Online safety
Evidence from online safety will be presented on a floor book each half term.
Medium-term assessments are conducted at the end of each term, allowing teachers to evaluate student progress based on teacher assessment. These assessments help determine whether a child is:
- Working Towards: Identifying areas that need further development.
- Working at: Recognizing that a student has met the expected learning outcomes.
- Working Above: Highlighting students who demonstrate advanced skills and understanding.
This structured evaluation provides valuable insights into children’s computing growth and development and helps to support future planning.
At Carlton Primary School, every student 'lets their light shine' as we strive for all of our children to:
Make progress in computing and meet national expectations, regardless of background or starting point.
Produce work that demonstrates the mastery of key computing concepts, including algorithms, coding, digital literacy, and online safety.
Be curious about the digital world and feel a sense of responsibility to use technology for positive change.
Believe in their ability to excel in computing and develop the resilience to tackle even the most challenging digital problems.
Develop a strong, positive sense of their abilities, work style, and what inspires them in the digital age.
Set high standards for themselves and strive to achieve them through dedication and hard work.
Express themselves clearly and confidently through digital media.
Be creative, imaginative thinkers and problem-solvers in the world of computing.
Course Outline
At Carlton we ensure that the computing curriculum introduces the basic building blocks for the children's understanding of computing and web technologies.
Carlton Computing Overview Cycle ACarlton Computing Overview Cycle B