Riverside Class - Year 5/6
Riverside is a Year 5 / Year 6 class and the teacher is Miss Pritchard.
Welcome to Riverside Class
Welcome to Riverside Class. I can't wait to make lots of memories, learn new things and achieve amazing things with you throughout the year. I'm looking forward to seeing all the wonderful work we can produce.
To access all the learning Riverside class will be completing, please see our topic overview:
UKS2 (Curriculum & Learning - Key Stages menu tab)To find out about our home school communications policy, click here.
Miss Pritchard
The children have showcased their amazing home learning for our Geography topic: 'What do we share our planet with?' The children created incredible pieces of work to show the different biomes around the world.Riverside home learning
Super 6:Riverside class have been so enthusiastic about our new Super 6 session to recap skills required in our maths lessons. The children have been so engaged with our practical and interactive activities.
Wow! I have been so blown away by the children's mature attitude and resilience this half term. The children settled quickly into our school routine and have created some incredible pieces of work. We have created bookmarks using Mayan Heirogylphics, created posters about Mayan architecture and written newspaper articles and character narratives which all blew me away. Riverside Class have made me incredibly proud this half term and I'm looking forward to continuing their learning with them.