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Monarch Class - Year 3

Monarch is a Year 3 class and the teacher is Miss Davis.

Welcome to Monarch Class.


Welcome to Year 3!

I can't wait for all the fantastic learning that we will do this year! From exploring the wonders of Mountains in Geography, to learning all about the Ancient Egyptians in History, we are going to have lots of fun! 

For LKS2 topic overview please click here

For our home school communication policy please click here

Miss Davis

Autumn Term 

Wow what a fantastic start to the year! The children have worked so hard and I am so impressed by the progress they are making so far! They have enjoyed English lessons where they have been exposed to lots of different genres of texts. Monarch class have written beautiful narratives, explanation guides, poems, as well as biographies about Tenzing Norgay! In Maths, we are consistently working on our times table and are practising these in lots of fun and engaging ways! 

We can't wait to see the learning opportunities that Spring Term has to offer!