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Cherry Class - Year 2

Cherry is a Year 2 class and the teacher is Mrs Jeffers

Welcome to Cherry Class!


Good afternoon, I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break, you are well rested and ready to start a fantastic new year. This half term our school value will be 'innovate' and our enquiry question will be 'How did the plague come about and what happened?'. In Maths we will be focusing on money and multiplication & division. In English our learning will be focused around the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. Please see below some pictures of our wonderful Autumn half term.

- Mrs Jeffers 04.01.24

Cherry Class

 To find out what we will be learning about check out our topic overviews here.

To find out about our home school communication policy click here





What a brilliant start to the new academic year, it has been so nice getting to know the children and getting stuck straight into the learning. Our learning this half term is around 'Who were the greatest explorers?' We have learnt about Captain James Cook, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. The children have been enthralled with their learning. The children particularly loved our rocket launch and presenting BBC news for space week, all about Neil Armstrong (can you believe it?)


In English, we have wrote our own poetry based around the story 'we're going on a Bear hunt', we had 'we're going on an orca hunt'... some of these absolutley blew me away!

We have moved on to the story 'The man on the moon'. First we made a predicition about a picture within the story, using the illustrations to make our predictions. We were then shocked to find Bob had written us a post card, how exciting! Then.... we had an alien visit to school!!! We were absolutley flabbergasted, he brought moon cake and we saw live footage of the spaceship landing in our school. We have made wanted posters to try and find the alien. 

 In maths we have been looking at place value and addition and subtraction, the children are working hard and really enjoying our super six activities that were launched in September.

 In science we have been learning about things that are alive, once alive and never been alive and looking at different habitats. We are now learning about food chains. Children are now confident with saying what a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore is.

 We are excited to continue our learning this half term and I cannot wait to see what we acheive.


Mrs Jeffers- 10.09.24


Mrs Jeffers