Carlton Primary School

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Colorado Class - Year 6

Colorado is a Year 6 class and the teacher is Mrs Holmes.

Welcome to Colorado Class!

Welcome to Colorado!

In Year 6, we work hard to create purposeful and memorable learning opportunities for all of our children and support them fully to develop their confidence, independence and resilience as learners and beyond. 

Children are encouraged to ask questions, engage in rich discussions and begin to take more responsibility for their own learning journey. Our learning environment promotes learning, positive relationships and helps children to be the best they can be! We really want the children to 'let their light SHINE.' 

Mrs Holmes

To find out more, please visit our UKS2 page.

For policies, including our home school communication policy, please click here.

Google Classroom

All children need access to our Colorado Google Classroom. We use this in school during lessons such as Computing but also provide reminders for home learning and set children chapters of our class book to read at home. 

To access the classroom, please follow this link and use your child's login credentials. 

If you are unable to access the classroom, please let me know.

Home Learning

TTRS x 20 minutes - due Friday 

Reading 3x a week and planners signed - due Friday 

Spelling Tests - Friday 

CGP books for Maths and SPaG - due Wednesday